How Assisted Living Supports Chronic Disease Management

Category: Assisted Living

Aging involves challenges with memory recall and the ability to perform routine tasks. Many also struggle with chronic illness as they age, with over 78% of adults 60 and older coping with at least two chronic diseases. Only 5.1% of those 60 and older do not have one or more chronic diseases.

A Notebook That Reads: &Quot;Chronic Care Management.&Quot;

Since chronic diseases are common among older adults, chronic disease management is a priority. Understanding how assisted living facilities for chronic illnesses can help older adults manage their illness can help you make effective decisions about moving yourself or a family member to an assisted living facility and the type of nursing facility you or your family member needs.

Chronic Diseases

The following chronic illnesses are the most common conditions affecting older adults:

  • Alzheimer’s disease and dementia: Alzheimer’s or dementia are factors for 33% of older Americans
  • Arthritis: One study determined that 64% of older adults had arthritis
  • Chronic kidney disease (CKD): Diabetes increases the risk of CKD. Obesity and heart disease also increase the risk.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Smokers have a high risk of developing COPD. Individuals may also be at risk from long-term exposure to toxins.
  • Diabetes: Aging can affect insulin production, causing older adults to develop diabetes
  • Heart problems: Heart problems include heart failure and coronary heart disease
  • High cholesterol: High cholesterol levels make it more likely you’ll develop heart disease
  • Hypertension: Common factors affecting those with high blood pressure include diabetes and obesity

What Are Some Management Strategies for Chronic Illness?

Individuals with chronic illnesses can manage them more effectively if they maintain healthy habits, such as exercising, eating healthy foods, and managing their stress levels. Other ways to manage chronic illness include:

  • Avoid exposure: Don’t visit with people when they have the flu or a contagious condition. Avoid large groups in indoor spaces if you’re concerned about infection.
  • Routine hand washing: Wash your hands regularly, and wash your hands when you come in contact with anything that could transmit a virus. Regular hand washing can prevent infections and help you maintain your health.
  • See your doctor: Schedule regular appointments with your medical doctor and report any symptoms or concerns. Your doctor can also provide information about how to manage your illness.
  • Self-monitoring: Depending on your condition, you may take your blood pressure and check your blood sugar levels at home. Note any symptoms or changes that could be cause for concern.
  • Taking medication: Take any medication your doctor prescribes and follow the directions to ensure you receive a sufficient dose at the right time every day. Taking medication helps manage your symptoms.
  • Wear a mask: You can reduce your chances of catching viruses by wearing a mask

How Do You Empower Patients To Manage Chronic Diseases?

Individuals with chronic diseases often struggle with depression and feel like their lives are out of their control. Medical professionals and caregivers at skilled nursing facilities help empower these individuals by informing them about their condition and letting them make routine decisions about their activities and care.

Since obesity and diabetes increase the risks of developing other chronic diseases, you can empower your patients by promoting preventative medical care.

Also, explaining vaccines that can reduce the risks of chronic illnesses and lifestyle choices that can improve overall health enables individuals to make informed, effective decisions to manage their health.

You can empower patients with chronic diseases by providing communication tools as well. For some, this could mean accessing a patient portal where the patient shares information about new symptoms or changes their medical team should be aware of. This could mean routinely touching base with patients and discussing their health in an assisted living facility.

How Can You Give Support to Those Dealing With Chronic Illness?

Individuals with chronic illnesses benefit from the support of their friends, family members, and caregivers. The tips outlined here can help you provide effective support.

Acknowledge Their Feelings

Allow individuals to process their situation and developments with their health. Toxic positivity involves dismissing or minimizing concerns, such as telling the individual that things could be worse. This approach dismisses their concerns. Acknowledging their feelings provides a safe space to discuss and process undesirable health developments.

Avoid Ableist Responses

Acknowledge the individual’s health and their unique needs. Recognize that not all illnesses and disabilities are visible and respect them when they express needs. Don’t pressure them to keep going if they say they’re tired. Find ways to enable them to complete tasks and activities without compromising their health or dismissing their valid needs.

Educate Yourself

Learn about their chronic illness and how to manage it.


Effective support starts with listening. Let the individual with the chronic illness express their needs, and don’t express your opinions unless you’re asked for them.

Assisted Living Facilities for Chronic Illness

An Assisted Living Facility Aid Posing With An Elderly Gentleman As They Smile For A Photo.

You can support older loved ones by locating an assisted living facility near your location that offers the chronic disease management they need to thrive. When you choose Haven Health, your loved one will receive expert care from our team, ensuring they have the preventative and follow-up care needed to manage their condition.

Contact Haven Health and learn how we support individuals with chronic diseases.


Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures. (2024).

Bekhet, A.K. (2014). Chronic Conditions in Elders in Assisted Living Facilities: Associations with Daily Functioning, Self-Assessed Health, and Depressive Symptoms.

The Top 10 Most Chronic Conditions in Older Adults. (2023).