Contact Us

at Haven Health Group


Haven Health operates skilled nursing facilities throughout Arizona. If you have questions about our services, would like to visit or inquire about a facility, or would like to provide feedback, please write us using the form below.

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    HAVEN HEALTH | 480-935-4300

    Contact Haven Health if you cannot reach your local Haven Health facility or if you have general company inquiries. Facility contact information is found on the individual location pages under “Our Locations”.


    This toll-free hotline is used for reporting compliance and ethical concerns, complaints, questions and for other general inquiries. Calls may be anonymous.

    Select one of the following options:

    OPTION 1

    Residents, Responsible Parties, Family Members and Friends.

    OPTION 2

    Employees and Former Employees.

    OPTION 3

    Community Callers, Contractors, Vendors and Third Parties.

    See All Locations